Same as the squat, the deadlift is also one very important exercise. Not only when it comes to the legs, but for the tights and the butt too. Well, you have to know the benefits of this amazing exercise, so that you could start falling in love with it. I’m going to explain you why the deadlift is a must do exercise, and how to do it right. So fit girls, read very carefully, because this is a body changing exercise. Let’s get started!
Works Many Muscle Groups
Perfect Legs, Popped Butt
By extending your hamstrings, and engaging many muscle groups, this exercise will transform your legs and will pop up your butt. So, don’t you forget this amazing exercise, because that is the key to perfect body.
Develops The Explosive Strength
Because the deadlift is a large compound movement that begins from a dead-stop position, it is extremely effective at improving overall explosiveness.
Types Of Deadlifts
For your sexy butt, you would want to do the deadlift with bend knees, because it will tone the side muscles of your butt.
If it’s your leg day, you would ratter do the deadlift with straight legs, because it engages your hamstrings the most. You can do a mix too.
Nail The Perfect Weight
After you warm up, chose your perfect weighting. Remember, if you can do more than 13 dead lifts and don’t feel like dying, it’s too light for you. Don’t be afraid, you can not bulk up, even if you want to, you are not a male – you are a female and you don’t have those hormones. Half-ass workouts will do nothing – your leg muscles are accustomed to working all day, so only heavy weights will bring you results.
How To Do It Right
Stand in front of a barbell with your shins close to the bar.
Your feet, shoulder width apart or closer. I usually do it with my legs pulled together, and my feet opened like a clown, this way works for me the best .
Grab the bar with your hands outside your legs, a bit wider then shoulder width. Keeping your arms straight, bend your legs and flatten your back.
The Repeat Phrase

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