Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 5, 2015

7 Day Build-a-Booty Weekly Workout Challenge

The second week of May is here and we bring you a new workout challenge! Continuing on from last weeks, 7 Day Muffin Top Workout Challenge, here is your next challenge focusing on building a booty in no time.

7 Day Build-a-Booty Weekly Workout Challenge

Day 1
10 Donkey Kicks
10 Skater Lunges
10 Glute Bridges
10 Lunge Kicks
10 Squat Jumps

Day 2
15 Donkey Kicks
15 Skater Lunges
15 Glute Bridges
15 Lunge Kicks
15 Squat Jumps

Day 3
20 Donkey Kicks
20 Skater Lunges
20 Glute Bridges
20 Lunge Kicks
20 Squat Jumps

Day 4
25 Donkey Kicks
25 Skater Lunges
25 Glute Bridges
25 Lunge Kicks
25 Squat Jumps

Day 5
30 Donkey Kicks
30 Skater Lunges
30 Glute Bridges
30 Lunge Kicks
30 Squat Jumps

Day 6
35 Donkey Kicks
35 Skater Lunges
35 Glute Bridges
35 Lunge Kicks
35 Squat Jumps

Day 7
40 Donkey Kicks
40 Skater Lunges
40 Glute Bridges
40 Lunge Kicks
40 Squat Jumps

Donkey Kicks:
  • Start on all fours, hands shoulder-width and knees hip-width apart.
  • Keeping your right foot flexed and leg bent, raise your right leg and press your heel toward the ceiling until your foot is directly above your butt.
  • Squeeze your glutes and slowly return to starting position but keep your knee off the ground.
  • Repeat.
Skater Lunges
  • Perform a reverse lunge with your back leg slightly at an angle.
  • Leap to the side and bring the opposite leg behind you, only tapping your toe to the ground.
  • Immediately jump back the other direction and continue alternating until you feel the burn.
  • Form check: Keep your knees bent and stay as low as possible to really work your quads.
Glute Bridges
  • Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Raise your hips so your body forms as straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  • Pause in the up position, then lower your body back to the starting position.
Lunge Kicks
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides, elbows bent.
  • Lunge forward with left leg while swinging right arm forward and left arm back.
  • This completes one rep. Alternate sides.
Squat Jumps
  • Squat down until your knees are bent about 90 degrees.
  •  Immediately swing your arms overhead and jump upward as high as you can.
  • As you land, gently bend your knees and sink back down into the squat.
Want to build a better body in just 12 weeks? Check out my Fit Mommy Workout Bundle!
Bundle & Save BIG!

In this bundle, you will receive:
-Butt & Thigh Blaster 4 Week Home Workout Program
-Armed & Fabulous 4 Week Home Program 
-Ab & Core Attach 4 Week Home Program
-Eat Clean, Get Lean 4 Week Meal Plan

All programs are bodyweight exercises only-NO GYM REQUIRED! You can simply do these at home within the comfort of your own home. 
Features 4 weeks of high-resolution step-by-step pictures and an exercise directory.
*The Armed & Fabulous program does require one set of dumbbells only.

Jumpstart your weightloss with this 4 week clean eating meal plan! With over 60 easy-to-make recipes, you are sure to enjoy the world of clean eating while losing those few extra pounds.

"Can I do all 3 workout programs together?" Absolutely! You can actually alternate them and do your butt program one day, arms the next, and then abs. Then start over! 

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