Want to learn how to get a flat stomach but the realities of life make it difficult to get to the gym? Don’t worry, because the tight and toned abs you’ve always wanted aren’t out of reach.
The following flat tummy exercises for your abs will help you firm up your stomach with no equipment or weights necessary. Do them at home, in your hotel room while traveling — wherever — the only thing required is your own bodyweight.
Lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks? Is it really possible?
You don’t need to be preparing for a fitness competition or looking to lose belly fat fast for a beach trip. If you sit, stand, twist, or bend (and you do!), do this simple and quick abs routine 2-3 times per week.
Read on and learn how to flatten your stomach without gym equipment.
- Push-up to Side Plank
- V-Sit-ups
- Reverse Crunches
- Bicycle Crunches
- Flutter Kicks
Push-up to Side Plank
- Perform a standard push-up by lowering your body to the floor then pushing away to return to your beginning position. (You may place your knees on the ground and do a kneeling push-up for this part if necessary.)
- Now twist to the left, reaching your left arm towards the ceiling without raising or lowering your pelvis. Return to the starting position by bringing your left hand back to the floor.
- Perform another standard push-up, this time completing a twist with your right arm raising to the ceiling at the end. Again, return to starting position by bringing your right hand back to the floor.
- This completes one rep and focuses on your obliques (the sides of your abs). Complete 10 reps, or however many you can do, then move on to the next exercise.

- Begin by laying flat on the floor or a mat with your legs straight and your arms fully extended past your head.
- Raise your legs and your shoulder blades off the ground, bringing your feet and hands to touch together over your body in a slow and controlled manner.
- Return to your starting position slowly. This completes one rep. Complete 10 reps, or however many you can do, then move on to the next exercise.
Reverse Crunches
- Begin by laying flat on the floor or an exercise mat with your hands on the floor next to you.
- Curl your knees towards your chest, bringing your hips and lower back up off the floor.
- Complete 20 reps, or however many you can do, then move on to the next exercise.
Bicycle Crunches
- Begin by laying flat on the floor or an exercise mat with your back firmly on the ground.
- Place your hands behind your head.
- Bring your knees up slightly towards your chest and raise your shoulder blades up off the ground.
- Extend your left leg while at the same time bringing your right leg in towards your body. Raise and twist your torso as if you were trying to touch your left elbow to your right leg (keep your hands placed behind your head).
- Reverse the motion to go back to your last position (step 2), and then repeat the movement, only this time attempt to bring your right elbow to meet your left knee.
- Return to the position in step 2. This completes one rep. Complete 10 reps, or however many you can do, then move on to the next exercise.

Flutter Kicks
- Begin by laying flat on the floor or an exercise mat.
- Put your hands behind your head and raise your shoulders up off the mat.
- Raise your feet and legs off the mat, alternating them up and down.
- Continue kicking your feet for 30 seconds, or until you are no longer able.

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