3 Things to Do Before Baby Arrives!
Once baby arrives, cleaning your house will be the last thing on your mind. Honestly, you might not even get around to cleaning your house for a few weeks-if you are lucky!
You will be so busy enjoying your new bundle of joy that you probably won't give household chores a second thought. When the nesting stage hits around your due date, make sure to take advantage of it and get to cleaning! This also includes decluttering your home from things that are old, worn, or have been unused for the past year.
During your nesting stage or perhaps a few weeks before, aim to make freezer crockpot meals. I started when I was 7 months pregnant and made around 15 meals and froze them to be thrown into the crockpot for later. Once my son was born, all we had to do was thaw a bag the night before, throw it in the crockpot, and eat!
I specifically loved making smoothie packs for breakfast. All you have to do is throw the ingredients in a zip lock bag and freeze.
2. Make sure you have all of the baby essentials.
Before baby arrives is the time to make a checklist of all of the baby essentials you'll need for the arrival because once baby comes, you may not be able to think clearly.
There are some baby items that are great and helpful to have, but then there are some that are a total must have and that you shouldn't postpone getting.
My go-to baby essentials are:
- diapers, ointment, and wipes
- formula (if needed)
- breast pump
- onesies
- hats, socks, and mittens
- a nursing pillow
- baby wash and baby detergent
- swaddling blankets
- spit up rags
- crib with mattress
- car seat and stroller
- pacifiers
- sleepsacks
The thing that I loved the most and that I am so happy to have had on hand after giving birth was a baby sleepsack. These things are so easy to put on and easy to take off. They are also super comfortable for sleep!
After baby arrives, you will be able to reevaluate and see what you and your baby truly will need.
3. Perhaps the most important of all-make sure that you and your immediate family members get up to date on your immunizations!
Before I dedicated my life to health and fitness, I once worked as a nurse in a pediatric clinic. I gave immunizations on a daily basis! One of the most important shots given was the TDAP vaccine, which is also known as the Pertussis or whooping cough vaccine.
Pertussis or the whooping cough is highly contagious and can be life threatening for infants and young children. It makes you cough so severely that it is almost impossible to eat, sleep, or even breathe. Some even get cracked ribs due to the coughing!
According to the CDC, approximately half of infants less than 1 year of age who get pertussis are hospitalized and, worldwide, there are an estimated 16 million cases of pertussis and about 195,000 deaths per year. Since the 1980s, there has been an increase in the number of reported cases of pertussis in the US. Scary, isn't it?
Perhaps, the scariest thing about it all is that adults who have not had the TDAP vaccine are the ones who can transfer this illness to infants and small children.
This is why pre-teens are not the only ones who need this vaccine-adults do as well!
I remember when I was pregnant with my son, I was asked specifically if I had taken the TDAP vaccine before and I had since I worked in healthcare.
If you are pregnant, it is best to seek the vaccine during the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy to pass the protection on to your baby. If you are planning to have your family over to help out with the new baby, I encourage you to talk to them about the vaccine-for your baby's safety. Yup, that even means the grandparents of the baby!
Walgreens is doing a great campaign right now with the United Nations Foundation in which Walgreens will donate a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need around the world. It is fast and easy-you don't even need an appointment to be seen. Just come on in whenever the pharmacy is open and they will set you right on up! As far as insurance, most shots are covered, including by Medicare.
If you have any questions, feel free to visit the Get a Shot. Give a Shot.® homepage for more details on how you can keep your family safe while helping other families in need.
Disclaimer: Donation currently valid for non-flu vaccinations. Aggregate donation of up to $1 million. Vaccines subject to availability. State-, age- and health-related restrictions may apply.

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