Let's face it. Sometimes as a mom, you tend to stay SUPER busy that it seems like a chore to fit fitness into your daily schedule.
Here is a great little workout that I have created using you, your baby, and a jogging stroller. Who says you can't get fit AND have fun while doing it?
1. Stroller Leg Ups (3 sets, 15 reps)
- Laying on a mat on your back, place your hands on the foot rest of your stroller and grasp the sides firmly. As always make sure your stroller is on LOCK.
- Straighten your legs out and slowly lift both legs upward towards the ceiling in a 90 degree angle. You can go further if your flexibility permits.
- Hold for a second and bring back downward. This is one rep.
2. Stroller Back Kicks (3 sets, 10 reps)
- Stand behind your stroller with both hands on the handles.
- Lean forward and kick one leg behind you in a swift motion.
- Bring the leg back to standing position.
- Alternate and repeat.
3. Stroller Oblique Crunches (3 sets, 12 reps)
- Standing with the stroller at your side, place one hand on the handle and the other behind your head or out towards your side.
- Lift your leg upwards and touch your knee to your elbow in a "crunching" motion.
Return back to standing position. - Repeat and alternate sides.
4. Stroller Side Leg Lifts (3 sets, 15 reps)
- Standing with the stroller at your side, grasp the handle firmly.
- Put your hand on your hip and slowly raise one leg out towards the side.
- Pause for a second and bring back down.
- Repeat and alternate sides.
5. Stroller Crunches (3 sets, 20 reps)
- Lay on the floor on a mat for comfort and place both feet on the stroller's foot rest. Be sure to angle your knees appropriately.
- Place your hands behind your head or criss-crossed in front of your chest.
- Slowly crunch upwards, pause for a second, and lower back to the floor.
- Repeat.
6. One-Arm Stroller Planks (3 sets, 60 seconds)
- Get into an elbow plank position on the mat.
- Raise up onto one arm, holding most of the weight as you lift one arm up. I love ticking my son's feet or getting his attention with the free arm. This makes things much more challenging!
- Hold for 60 secomnds (or as long as you can).
- Lower yourself back down and repeat for 2 more sets.
- Lay on the mat on your back and prop both feet up onto the foot rest of your stroller.
- Lift one leg upward towards the sky. At the same time, lift the leg touching the stroller upward as well, supporting your body's weight on that leg, keeping the foot firm on the footrest of the stroller.
- Hold for 2 seconds, bring your body back down.
- Repeat and alternate sides.
8. Stroller Pushups (3 sets, 10 reps)
- On your mat, get into a basic plank position.
- Lower yourself to the ground slowly and in a controlled manner.
- Lift yourself back up onto your hands in a basic plank position.
- Repeat.
9. Stroller Calf Raises (3 sets, 15 reps)
- Standing behind your stroller with both hands grasping the handle, slowly lift your legs up onto your toes.
- Hold for 2-3 seconds.
- Lower your body back down and repeat.
10. Stroller Squats (3 sets, 20 reps)
- Standing behind your stroller, grasp the handle with both hands.
- Slowly lower yourself down into a basic squat position-try not to lean forward or using the stroller for support.
- Slowly lift yourself back up and repeat.
11. Stroller Lunges (3 sets, 20 reps)
- Standing behind your stroller, grasp the handle with both hands.
- Step forward with your right leg into a lunge position.
- Step back with your right leg, back into starting position.
- Repeat and alternate sides.
12. Stroller Back Leg Lifts (3 sets, 12 reps)
- Standing behind the stroller, grasp the handles with both handles.
- Slowly, lift your right leg and pull it behind your body.
- Hold for a second and bring your leg back to standing position.
- Repeat and alternate sides.
13. Stroller Leg Scissors (3 sets, 15 reps)
- Lay on your back, and support your lower body with your elbows.
- Lift both of your legs up to the sky, supporting your weight on your arms.
- Slowly, open your legs in a scissor-fashion, and close them. I love playing Peek-a-Boo with my son during this move.
- Repeat.

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