I've never understood this.
I remember a comment someone had made on a blog post of mine revolving around my postpartum body and how I got my abs back right after giving birth. I think it was something along the lines of "You shouldn't be worrying about working out right after having a baby. Instead, you should enjoy motherhood and take care of your newborn."
Ummmm, excuse me? Since when did a mother making fitness a priority in her life become a sign of selfishness or not enjoying motherhood? I had to sit back for a minute and try to not let my feelings dictate the words I wrote back to her. I was doing what was best for me so that I could do what's best for my family. After all, setting a healthy example is so important to me, as a mother.
One of the most common questions that I get asked is: "How do you balance family and motherhood while still managing to sneak a work out in?"
There comes an art to balancing motherhood and fitness. I've been into the fitness world long before I gave birth, but once we arrived, the world as I knew it had turned upside down-for the best. What a lot of people don't even know is that I really did not start back working out until 12 weeks after my son was born, due to a lot of events going on. I focused solely on clean eating until that point.
But once I got back into my groove, I had to find that balance.
When my son was younger, he napped very frequently, which left me lots of time to do whatever I wanted. However, as he grew older, the naps became less and less. This led me to include him in my workouts whether it be wearing him with a carrier while I lifted or using him as a weight. I did whatever I could to give both my full attention. However, nowadays, he sometimes won't cooperate and that means I have to put him in his Pack'N'Play while I try to get a workout in. And yes... sometimes I feel VERY guilty.
The secret to finding the perfect balance is to start with you. If you do not get your workout in, you will be upset and regretful. That regret is not good for you or your family. You must put yourself first sometimes in order to be fully happy. I don't know about you, but I feel ECSTATIC after a workout! It is like an instant endorphin rush to my brain!
I know, I know you may feel slightly guilty about putting your child in their Pack'N'Play to go run on your treadmill for 20 minutes, but I promise your baby will live. You will feel even more energy and happiness afterwards which will result in an even more fun playtime experience with your child.
Remember, ladies: happy mommy=happy family.

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