What would happen to your body if you followed Victoria's Secret model requirements fot 4 months? Thanks to fitness blogger Poppy Cross, we know! Poppy documented her journey on The Daily Mail recently.
At 5 ft 9 in. tall, Poppy had an atheletic body to start with and was undoubtedly gorgeous, but with her heright, she made the minimum requirement in order to be a VS model.
The launch of The Perfect Body campaign last year pissed a lot of people off-if you can remember. Women everyone argued that their bodies were just unattainable and unrealistic.
- This controversial ad camapaign sparked backlash on social media.
So, Poppy decided to put herself through the test to squash or prove that theory by following the same exact exercise and diet regimine of the Angels.
As stated above, Victoria's Secret requires their models to:
- be at least 5 ft. 9 in. tall
- have a 24 inch waist
- have a below 18% fat percentage
Poppy's body before was a size 8 with 26 inch waist and 22% body fat-about the average for a fitness/athletic body; however, those stats wouldn't cut it in the VS world. (Disgusting, right?)
The Workout Plan
The workout of a Victoria's Secret model focuses on weight training and includes squats, dead-lifts, weighted lunges, bicep curls, tricep dips and press-ups. Weight training is also accompanied by interval sprinting, Pilates, and boxing. As a runner, Poppy found weights hard to ease into and her first session resulted in a back injury! She also stated she caught 3 colds in the first month and was left mentally & physically exhausted from her workouts.
The Diet Plan
To mimmick the Angels, Poppy is put on a 1,300 calorie high-fat, high-protein, and low-carb diet plan. This included protein at every meal and no sugar-even from fruit. For the first month, Poppy was allowed veggies, but then she was to graduate to the "pre-catwalk diet" including only proteins and fats. For energy, since there are no carbs, Poppy states she has two tablespoons of oil or butter with every meal. As for training, she is allowed whey protein shakes after her workout, but is to train on an empty stomach. Poppy states, "I never feel starved, just unfulfilled before bed. I also find I’m not quite so, er, regular due to the lack of fibre in my diet."
The Results Are In.
Although her weight didn't change due to all of the weight training, everything else decreased including her body fat percentage, her waist, and dress size. Poppy says that this program is very unrealistic to follow if you have a job and want a social life, too. The doctor warned her that no-carb diets shouldn't be a long term thing, as many VS models admit that is not how they live their lives on off season.
Poppy was proud to reach her goal, but she is much happier with not having to worry about what she looks like-in underwear.
Personally, this sounds like a complete hell of torture to me. I admire these girls for doing it because it is their job, but sometimes I wish they would feature more athletic bodies for their campaigns, such as Poppy's before body!

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