1 Activate your Lower Abdominal and Pelvic Floor Muscles
If you do not activate your T.V.A – Transverse abdominal muscle soon after giving birth and the weeks following it is much harder to activate these main core postural muscles. Meaning it will be harder to get rid of your pregnancy tummy and can increase diastasis recti-abdominal separation
2 Eat Food to increase Recovery from your pregnancy, labour and birth and to breastfeed
If you eat protein rich foods they will help you recover post birth, especially after traumatic births and ‘C’ sections. Protein re-builds cells and repairs muscle tissue so will help your body repair quickly. Try to have protein at each meal and snack. Try protein rich foods such as nuts, eggs and tuna.
3 Hydrate to rid the body of waste fluids and assist with breast milk production
Increase your fluids, it will assist your body getting rid of all the waste fluid post pregnancy and will help in the production of breast milk.
4 Posture: It has to be Good!
Look at your Posture, do it now. Poor post natal posture will lead to lower back, hip and knee aches and pains. It will also reduce how effectively you can activate your core muscles. Poor posture will also lead to increased diastasis recti. Have a look at this link for more information on post natal exercise, posture and diastasis recti:http://pregnancyexercise.co.nz/information/post-natal/post-natal-exercise
Poor Post Pregnancy Posture: Sway back
5 Rest
Simple enough but if you do not rest you will not recover and you certainly will not see any results from an exercise program. Rest every day even if it is just for 20 minutes.
6 Sleep
If you can get 6 hours + in a 24 hour period post pregnancy then you should be able to manage looking after a new born, yourself and exercising moderately. This dos depend on the individual though, everyone is different.
Avoid going to bed late and try to get back to sleep quickly after breastfeeding. Make sure you stay warm whilst nursing during the night and if you can lie down and relax during night-time feeds do so.This will help you fall asleep quicker.
7 Exercise
Post pregnancy exercise is crucial for recovery, it is a must. If you do not do post pregnancy exercises you are more likely to suffer from back pain and diastasis recti-abdominal separation.Exercise will help you get back to your pre-pregnancy shape.
8 Don’t try on your pre pregnancy clothes
If you are bothered by your post pregnancy shape, don’t try on your clothes. Remember you have just had a baby, it has taken 9 months for your body to change so don’t expect to get your jeans on just yet! Although for some it is very possible.
9 Stress
Try to relax during the day and enjoy your baby, if they can’t sleep during the day don’t worry put them in a buggy, put your I-pod on and go for a walk. Looking after two? Take them for a walk to the park. At night it is a little harder.
The more you are relaxed, the more your baby will be. If you are stressed you may retain your extra pregnancy weight for longer.
10 Enjoy being a mum
Sounds easy? I didn’t enjoy being a mum first time but second time I loved it. Yes there are many ups and downs but do what you can and be instinctive you can sometimes read too much. Do what you feel is right
Need a Post pregnancy exercise program? Have a look at my 12 week post natal exercise program it includes 12 weeks of exercise, 12 weeks of articles and many exercise descriptions. If you want to avoid and reduce lower back pain, ddecrease your diastais recti and get your pre pregnancy shape back then you can start this program as soon as 5-7 days post baby http://pregnancyexercise.co.nz/services/positively-pregnant-2
If you feel any pain or discomfort whilst exercising, stop. If pain continues consult you L.M.C or G.P. The information included in this article has been written by Lorraine Scapens: She is not able to provide you with medical advice; information is used as a guide. You cannot hold Lorraine liable in any way for any injuries that may occur whilst training.
Lorraine has 20 years’ experience training pregnant and post natal women. She is a Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist http://pregnancyexercise.co.nz email: lorraine@pregnancyexercise.co.nz

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