In the first article I explained why you need to train specifically for birth and showed you 3 must do exercises to prepare for labour and birth: Specificity is the Key
In this blog I am going to show you the BEST exercises to prepare you for labour and the natural birth you want!
Watch the video to see how using suspension trainers can prepare you 100% specifically for labour and birth. These fantastic exercising tools allow you to practice better suited labour positions before the onset of labour so you are much better prepared when the day arrives.
Don't worry if you don't have a suspension trainer you can use a bar at the local park or gym a cable machine with the full weight stack on or even a large towel wrapped around a post will all work.
Allow Gravity to Assist for a Faster Birth
Any position that you can hold during labour that allows gravity to assist will naturally reduce the time of your labour and by up to 90 minutes!
The only challenge for you is that to hold these positions and then give birth you really do need to be physically fit and strong as they are not easy!
Yes it may be easier for your Dr./Health Care Provider if you lie on your back but its not natural and is of no real benefit. If you try to birth on your back your pelvis opening is much smaller and you stand a much higher chance of requiring interventions and having stitches.
A little bit of exercise for just 30 minutes, 3 times a week is all that is needed to help you prepare better for labour. Another couple of benefits that lead on from this type of training is that you will end up with strong toned legs and a great looking butt, sounds good?
You will also recover much quicker from a natural birth than from one with interventions and that I do know!
So there are many benefits of exercising specifically during the last 10 weeks of your pregnancy!
So there are many benefits of exercising specifically during the last 10 weeks of your pregnancy!
If you are fit and strong you will recover faster post birth.
Side Lunge
You should not do this exercises if you are suffering from lower back pain.
Think about your breathing during the exercise and take your time. Good technique is essential. Perform 12-20 reps depending on your fitness level, rest as and when you need to. This exercise works well when performed in a circuit with Tricep dips. Do 2-3 sets
Support Squat
The Support Squat is a challenging exercise which you need to do slowly, concentrate again on your breathing. Maintain good upright posture and push your knees out over your toes, avoid rolling your knees in. Try to relax your pelvic floor muscle at the end range of the squat, close your eyes and focus on baby descending down deeper in to your pelvis. Place your body weight in your heels, contract your glute (butt) and abdominal muscles and push upwards using your leg muscles, exhaling out. Do 6-10 reps and 2-3 sets
Do not Squat past 90 degrees from 30 weeks if your baby is not in optimal fetal position.
Do not Squat past 90 degrees from 30 weeks if your baby is not in optimal fetal position.
You can circuit this exercise with a hip flexor (psoas) stretch holding for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Incline Hold
I would suggest you hold the position on the' trainer' for 4-5 deep breaths in and out and then relax back in to a lower back stretch position repeating 2-4 times. When you try this exercise you will realize just how physical this position is to give birth in.
Include the above exercises in your current exercise program from 30+ weeks. Have a look at the pre and post pregnancy exercise and health programs that are available to you on my website
Remember be Specific and Prepare for your Births just as you would any other event. Please comment if you would like any further information or assistance with your pregnancy exercise program.